Fatal error - End to any chance that you will get what you want
Ex: It was a fatal error for him to forget water when he walked through the desert.

Calamity - Major disaster
Ex: The earthquake in Indonesia caused a calamity, because so many people died and several buildings were destroyed in many countries.

Alliance – Good working relationship
Ex: England and Canada formed an alliance to fight in World War 2 against Germany.

Persistent – You will not give up
Ex: He’s asked me to have dinner many times. He was persistent, so I decided to have dinner with him only one time. Since that time he has become my boyfriend.

Acts of God - Something that happens that people can’t control
Ex: I couldn’t go to work, because of too much snow. It was an act of God.

Were your ears burning? – Somebody is talking about you when you are not there
A: Hey you’re here. Were your ears burning?
B: No. How come?
A: We were just talking about you 5 minutes ago.

Damage control
– Strategy to stop things from getting worse
Ex: We needed to do damage control before contract was cancelled.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Public Trans

Welcome to VANCOUVER!!
If you are looking for HOW TO GET PLACES: Click HERE~^-^ for the Vancouver Translink Trip Planner
Did you know that there are three different zones.
Do you live downtown? You can buy a one zone monthly pass.
Do you live in Burnaby? You can buy a two zone monthly pass.
One zone is $69, two zone is $95. It's NOT cheap!
More Information also Click HERE~^-^
DON'T lose your monthly pass.

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